I tried it once and nothing happened

This is like throwing a teacup of water on a raging fire.  It’s the right stuff, but …

I tried it, but the person died!

That faith wasn’t big enough for the problem.  Do not refuse a doctor’s advice, or to take medicine.  Be aware how much your present level of faith can handle.  Tackling something too big will damage your faith, and cost someone’s life!

Doubt and unbelief stops faith

A person present who has these will prevent the faith of another from working.  It stopped Jesus in Mark 6:5-6, and made Peter sink in Matt.14:30-31.  Also, doubt will cancel out faith: If a word of prophecy was given to you, but you doubted it, then it will not happen for you.  Similarly, if a person speaks something negative to you, and you don’t want it to happen, just refuse it.  That will stop it.

Too much mixture

If you are believing and speaking God’s Word for something, but then you sometimes speak doubt or worry, you will cancel out your faith.

No Bible

The world has learned that there is some power in positive confessions.  But this is the way God planned for you to receive all He wants for you to have in this life. God’s Words have creative power even when you speak them. So, you see, it’s much different than just positive confessions.

Faith isn’t a formula                                

It is possible to treat this speaking the Word like a formula.  If there is no faith in the heart, keep speaking and hearing it, and it will produce the faith, and then something will happen.

Need personal holiness

A testimony:  Our family was learning to live by faith, and it was working.  We were seeing results.  Then for three months, it didn’t work.  The dad had allowed a sin.  He objected, “But God, it’s so little.”  God’s answer was, “The further along you get, the less you can get by with.”

Not walking in love, or knowing how much God loves you

Gal.5:6,  Faith works by love

I John 4:18, Mature love casts out fear.

Must be seeking God

This is a common error -- to be seeking the healing, or seeking prosperity rather than seeking God first, Matt.6:33. When you are seeking Him with all your heart, He will take good care of you!

Wishing isn’t faith

Lots of people are just hoping and wishing, but that isn’t faith.  Faith is KNOWING, (Heb.11:1)  and faith will get your victory.


Name it and claim it, or blab it and grab it are names that have been attached to the Word of Faith position. These make it sound like it’s a way to get anything you want.  That is covetousness and idolatry.  Faith in the heart, and speaking with the mouth is the way to get God’s will to happen in life.

Isn’t that a lie?

Have you heard someone say “I’m healed” when it’s obvious they aren’t? That person shouldn’t be saying it around people who aren’t going to understand. Keep your faith confessions between yourself and God. A lie is an attempt to deceive. Speaking faith is God’s way of getting things done.

Calling black white

There are fiery young preachers without much wisdom or sensitivity telling sick people that they are healed when they are not. It’s denying the problem. Many people have been turned off about this message because of this very thing!  Faith isn’t denying the problem, but denying it’s right to be here.  Like a bag of snakes that’s delivered to your door.  You refuse them and demand that they be taken away! You don’t accept them just because it may have your name on it. Again, don’t be speaking your faith around those who don’t know what you are doing.

Jesus already did it all!

What needs to be taught is that Jesus already bore the curse (sickness, poverty and death) on the cross, and health, wealth and long life belongs to us, and faith gets it. We are not the sick, begging a reluctant God to heal us.  We are the healed demanding that Satan keep his sicknesses off of us!  Or, consider this:  God is not going to heal anyone; He’s already done it, and our faith gets it.  Not our tears, not our need, but faith!

Living by faith is living connected to the supernatural power of God where the promises in the Bible work for you.  This is how the Word works!

Sickness made him a better person

Yes, it may have, but that is not God’s way. II Tim.3:16-17 says that the Word of God is for reproof, correction, and training in righteousness that we may be mature. 

Col.1:28 says to teach until every man is mature!  

John 15:3, Jesus says that (His disciples) are clean because of the word that He has spoken to them.  (“Clean” is exactly the same Greek word as “pruned” in the previous verse!)

Eph.4:11-12, the offices that God ordained for the Church were for the maturing of the people until we are mature like Christ!  

Godly, but no faith for safety

Precious, anointed people still get martyred or die of aids or cancer or some other disease that shortens their lives.  They don’t know how to use their faith for health or protection, or how to guard their mouths.  They may believe they are doing a good thing by giving their lives for God, but God would rather have you alive.   Find long life verses to hold to, and live to 120.

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For scriptures to study this message, see the brochure titled Faith Facts. To read some explanations, get If it’s God’s will, then why doesn’t it always happen?

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