Is it right for a woman to preach, or to teach men?  Centuries of church leaders have said, “Absolutely no.” And the Bible seems to verify that position.  But in this book by Kenneth E. Hagin, he digs deep into those verses and others, and teaches us what the Bible really says!

About the Author

            Mark 11:23-24 keynote Kenneth E. Hagin’s life and ministry.  He first believed those verses while lying almost totally paralyzed and completely bedfast from a deformed heart and incurable blood disease. Doctors did not expect him to reach his 17th birthday. But after 16 months bedfast, he believed that those scriptures mean what they say ~ acted upon them in simple faith ~ and rose up healed.  Later, God called him to “Go teach My people faith.” Hagin’s ministry spanned 65 years and is world-wide.

About the book

            It is an excellent combination of Bible verses and personal testimonies, and Brother Hagin’s conclusions are thoroughly scriptural. It is a Bible Study but is not boring! I found it to be exciting in that it totally disproves the traditional views of the role of women in the church!  He fearlessly tackles every controversial issue concerning this subject with chapter titles like, Is Man the Head of the Woman? Must Wives always obey their husbands? Must Women keep Silent in Church? And he even has a chapter on the issue of women having their heads covered in church and one on proper dress and adornment for Christian women.

Men over Women?

            First he gives the verses that seem to say this, but then by referring to the Greek words and the context of the rest of the Bible, he shows that this verse actually means that a husband is head over his own wife. 

            He also gives many verses showing that Paul was not a woman-hater as some have claimed. Paul said very favorable things about many women ~ some who had ministry positions in churches!

Must Wives always obey?

            Brother Hagin quotes the verses that say wives are to obey in everything, but then he takes us to several very interesting verses where a husband and wife had a disagreement and God sided with the wife and told the husband to listen to her! He explains that God always sides with the right! And, “A Husband cannot countermand any of the Lord’s commandments.”

            A wonderful example is given from the life of Smith Wigglesworth, a mighty man of God in the last century. Smith was at one time back-slidden and wasn’t interested in the things of God.  He told his wife, “You go to church too much. You’re not to go anymore. And I know the Scriptures well enough to know that you have to obey me.” She smiled sweetly and told him that she is a good mother and wife, not neglecting him or their kids ~ but she is going to church!  Smith fussed and fumed about it, and finally decided to lock her out! He did, and the next morning when he opened the door, she tumbled in because she’d slept huddled against the door!  Well, she got up and sweetly said, “Well, dear, how are you this morning?“ Smith said, “She was so kind and sweet, but I’d have felt better if she’d chewed me out a little.” She asked, “What would you like for breakfast?” And she fixed his favorite!  Smith said he admitted to her he was wrong, and added, “She just loved me back to God.”

            Hagin also gives an example from his own life.  He said there was a situation where he was out of the will of God so was feeling grumpy. His wife told him what he needed to hear! He said she helped him and he obeyed God.

            An example from my own life is appropriate here:  Early in our marriage, I was being just like my mother was, the boss.  Then I went to a women’s weekend seminar and heard Eph. 5:33 out of the Amplified Bible.  “And let the wife see that she respect and reverence her husband, that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly.”  That rescued our marriage, and I continue to remind myself that whatever I say to him must be with love and respect!

Silent in Church?

            Two verses are quoted that seem to say that, and then are examined for the truth. Hagin likes the illustration of panning for gold.  You could get a little bit of gold that way, but if you wanted a lot more, you had to dig for it!  He says it’s like that in the Word of God. Here he shows us that these verses are talking about learning something. Apparently women were asking their husbands to explain ~ right in church! So these verses say, “Ask at home.” Then he shows us other scriptures where women taught, prayed, prophesied, and spoke in tongues in church! An important statement he makes then is, “Every Scripture must be interpreted in the light of what other Scripture says on the same subject.  It must harmonize with all other Scriptures.”

            Then he gives funny stories ~ actual conversations he has had with people who believed very crazy things based only on one or two Scriptures that weren’t fully understood!

            An extremely exciting verse to me is Psalm 68:11.  Hagin says this is a prophetic Psalm, speaking of our time.  It says, “The Lord gave the word; great was the company of those that proclaimed it.”  What is exciting is that the word company is not just a word of feminine gender (like casa), but a word which means women!  This refers to a bunch of women preachers!!

Proper Dress

            Hagin has quite a bit to say about modesty, and it is all very good. Women have allowed the world to dictate what they should wear, and it is wrong.  But then on the other hand, there are two verses that church leaders have used in the past to make women dress very plainly, and Hagin shows that this is wrong too! What those two verses are saying is that women need to spend time developing and caring for their inner man or spirits instead of spending so much time on the outer man, the body. Hagin says that if women spent half as much time praying and reading the Word as they do on their hair and clothes, they’d be spiritual giants!

            If you have firm opinions, and don’t want to change, then don’t get this book.  But if you are a woman with the call of God on your life, then you will love it!

            To order this book, or to get Brother Hagin’s catalog, you may write to:

Kenneth Hagin Ministries
P.O. Box 50126
Tulsa, OK 74150-0126

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