How we are alike

            There are two denominations of Christian churches that are alike in that they believe that the gifts of the Spirit as listed in I Cor.12 and 14 are for today, and these gifts are in operation in these churches. Their people have received the baptism in or with the Holy Spirit as described in Acts 2, and they speak in tongues.

            Their church meetings are marked with loud and lively songs, raised hands, clapping, dancing unto the Lord, and flag or banner waving in worship. But here is where the similarity stops.

Two camps

            These “Spirit-filled” churches are divided into two camps:  Pentecostal and Charismatic.  The latter is also called the Word of Faith group, or sometimes just Word people or Faith people.

            The Pentecostal group believes it is completely up to God if and when He heals, protects or prospers anyone.  They believe that God is sovereign and will do these things whenever and if He chooses.

            The Faith position is that all these things are ours by the Covenant, guaranteed by the blood of Jesus. The terms of the Covenant are in the Word of God, the Bible, and we receive each one by faith. To put it another way, the Faith people have learned how to make the promises work, while the Pentecostals are begging God to do what He has already provided for us to have. To put it very simply, in one group it’s all up to God, and in the other, it’s all up to us.  The way it’s all up to us is that God has already done all that needs doing, (II Pet.1:3), and has given us His Word, which works when we learn how to put it to work.  It doesn’t have anything to do with earning the promises by working or being good enough.

The Word works and Faith works

             The Word, and Faith in that Word will work for anybody who will learn how, and put them to work.  God shows no partiality. (Acts 10:34) but He does honor His Word and He honors faith. So those who know how are the ones who benefit.

            I was a member of two different Pentecostal churches for a total of twelve years.  I heard one of the pastors say, after being at a meeting of the leaders of this denomination, that cancer was taking the lives of their pastors or pastors’ wives.  One new case of cancer, or one more death was reported at every meeting.  They beg and plead for God to heal, and when He doesn’t they are left with believing that it wasn’t God’s will, saying “We just have to trust that He knows best.”

            The faith people see that the Word says clearly what His will is. and His will is always to heal!  Satan is the killer, (John 10:10). When people don’t get healed, it’s because faith wasn’t released.  Somebody has to release faith for a healing to come. Sometimes it’s the pastor or speaker who has the faith, but healing won’t come without some faith being released for it.

            In my first years in a “Spirit- filled” church, I asked a lady teacher, “How do you know if it’s God’s will to heal?”  She answered, “We don’t know.  We just pray for the sick, and leave it up to God if He chooses to heal.”  That is a Pentecostal position. The faith position is that it is God’s will to heal, so we say,  “Let me join my faith with yours and get you healed!”

What belongs to us

     Healing, health, protection, long life, prosperity, favor and success were all purchased for us on the cross of Calvary.  Jesus blood paid for all that for us.  I grew up with the belief that Jesus’ death was only to keep us from hell, and get us into heaven.  But, oh so much more was done on that cross!  Deut. 28 has the most complete listing of the blessings and curses of the law, and they include health, wealth, and length of life.

That chapter explains that if you serve God with all your heart, then He will do all these things for you.  And verse 15 says that if you don’t, then all these curses will come upon you. Every sickness, disaster and calamity is listed there.

It’s all paid for!

            Look at Gal. 3:13.  “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree.” And verses 14 and 29 say that in Christ, the   blessings are ours. So God has redeemed us from sickness, poverty and early death, and has paid for us to have health, wealth, and long life! And just as salvation is for “whosoever” (John 3:16), so are these things!

How can I get them to work for me?

            There are several brochures just like the one you are reading now that will give you small doses of this life of faith.  Did you know the Word says in six places that we are to live by faith?  Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came so we could have life abundantly. III John 2 says, “I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.”  Learning to live by faith is the only way to get these and all of the other promises to work for you.  For more on this subject:

Other brochures

            If you want the Scriptural proofs for this teaching, get my brochure called Faith Facts. 

            If you want to hear how I started learning to live this way, there are two called Growing in Faith.

            If you have heard objections to the Word of Faith teaching and you would like to get those answered, get the brochure called, Objections to the Faith Message, answered.

            There is a brochure called, If it’s God’s will, then why doesn’t it always happen?  This will tell how to get the promises to work for you.

            If you’re interested in getting out of debt, or learning how to get rich God’s way, then get the one titled, Who Qualifies for Prosperity?  Or you might want the one called, Objections to the prosperity Message answered.

            There are other books and tapes by many authors that will be valuable to help you as you begin this exciting life where the Word will work for you!

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