Excerpts from I thought Jesus would be here by now 
by C. E. Koerner 

and Book Offer

In this brochure, I said a book is available.  It is, I thought Jesus would be here by now, by C. E. Koerner, P.O. Box 22592, Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1592   It’s $7.00, postage paid!  Do you have the courage to test what you believe?  This is thoroughly Biblical!

I thought Jesus would be here by now. 

Front cover:  Easy to read!   I thought Jesus would be here by now.  A surprising look at end-time scriptures:  What does the Bible say?   By C.E. Koerner.

Back cover:  What do you believe?  How do you know?  Do you believe Jesus will return any minute now ~ to take His Church out of the world?  How do you know?  Have you the courage to test what you believe?  Read the Scriptures printed out on the pages of this book, or use the references to look them up in your own Bible.  Comments by author, C.E. Koerner, are simple and easy to read, but the Bible is the authority.  Get ready to be surprised! 

Do not wait!  Do not wait to read this book!  Can you feel the rumble of spiritual forces at war in the world today?  Time is moving very fast!  Christian people need to be informed ~ and prepared!

The beginning of the book:

How do you see it? 

Do you believe Jesus is coming back to get us any minute now?  For a great many Christians today, that is the only thing we really need to know about “end times.”

Some Christians are eager to win the lost to Christ before He comes back.  For them, the study of “prophecy” is mostly a big waste of time.  Winning the world is far more important than time-tables and predictions!

For myself, I want to know at least some of the details God put into the Bible.  He must have thought they were important; otherwise, why in the world did He give us so many of them?

A question:  A challenge

Jesus’ disciples spent three years walking and talking with Him, but they didn’t understand His mission to go to Calvary and die.  We think they should have figured it out, but we goof  too, don’t we?   One common mistake we make ~ is to take someone else’s word for what the Bible says.  We hear or read an explanation from someone we trust, and we accept it.  Or we believe it because so many others are saying the same thing.

The Christians at Berea were taught by the Apostle Paul, but they checked the Scriptures to see if he was right.  The Bible praises them!  (Then Acts 17:11 is quoted.) 

What do you know about the return of Jesus Christ?  Have you read it yourself from the Bible?  Or do you “know” it because you’ve been told?  This little book contains the Scriptures to test what you believe.  Are you willing?  

The last page of the book:

How did I learn this?

When I was young, there were three very different teachings about the “last days” and the return of Jesus.  My parents decided to find out which one they agreed with; which viewpoint did they think was right?

They compared each one with Scripture, but found “holes” ~ things that didn’t match.  They decided to study the Bible on its own.  Let the Bible explain itself.  They used reference materials and different Bible translations, but no human opinions.

Their startling discovery ~ over months and years of study ~ is what I’ve tried to explain inside this book.  I grew up learning this, as they studied.  They printed many booklets and papers over the years, but most people just don’t want to study.  This is a simplified version; just the basics, and hopefully easier to understand.

Thank you to my parents for showing me the surprising truth about the return of Jesus, and for teaching me, by example, to search the Word of God for myself.

                                                                                     C. E. Koerner  

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