So, you’re in love.  It’s exciting, I know.  It seems like nothing could ever be more wonderful than this.  Did you know that God planned this?  He created us with these wonderful feelings.  This is assurance that the human race would continue.  As wonderful as this is, there are some things you need to know before making a serious decision.

            Girls, if you are dressing to advertise your body, or are having physical contact on your dates, you will attract the kind of guy who is more interested in sex than anything else.  But you may think there isn’t any other kind of guy out there!  This does represent the majority because it’s a self-centered desire.  The problem is selfishness, common to the human race! But keep reading. There's hope!

            You probably know that a guy can be ready for sex very quickly.  But the gal takes more time ~ time romancing, fondling, and loving words.  A selfish guy won’t take the time to care about her, only himself.  And then the gal will be unfulfilled, disappointed, and hurt, time after time after time!  Soon she will not want to have sex and will make excuses why she can’t do it tonight.  Then they each will begin to seek enjoyment elsewhere.  Others become more attractive than the one at home.   It is surely worth it to find a partner who is developing in God’s kind of love which is totally unselfish.

            A selfish gal is no fun either!  She will be demanding, nagging, and critical, and can turn a wonderful guy into a mouse. If he stays with her, he will become a mere shadow of the man he was. 

What about dating?

            Will dating help us to discover what the person is really like?  It’s possible, but highly improbable.  The problem is that when two young people are alone, their sex hormones are going to be talking to them louder than anything else.  That’s why they end up in each other’s arms ~ and more.  And on dates, they both are on their very best behavior.  They want to make the best impression possible. So it’s very unrealistic to think that you can get to know each other this way.

            Another problem is that on dates people get emotionally involved. Their emotions and hormones make up those wonderful feelings I mentioned earlier. But when they break up, they each become terribly hurt!  Then they each find someone else, and the process begins all over again. These break-ups cause emotional scars that can last for the rest of their lives.

            And, each time you become a little different.  You may have made yourself a little harder and insensitive in order to protect yourself from being hurt again, or you may have adjusted your personality to please that person. So you see that it’s damaging on many fronts.

Is there an alternative? 

            Yes there is!  There are churches that teach their young people to keep themselves emotionally pure as well as sexually pure until they find the one that God has picked for them. And there are good books available if you ask at your local Bible bookstore.  Now I don’t believe that there is only one person that is right for you, or that God has a big chart with a perfect match for every man and woman on the earth.  No.  But if you will commit yourself to God’s program for your life, and trust Him to bring a great partner to you, He will.  See, He knows your personality and traits very well, since He made you.  And He knows what will make you the happiest.  He loves you so very much and really wants to see you happier than you can ever imagine!  

What do we do now?

            Do you wonder what you can do if you decide to keep yourself emotionally pure from now on?    Group activities are good.  Also time with the family of your friend is good.   The very best way to find out what your friend is really like is to get to know their parents individually, and their siblings!   Then for other things you can do, get involved in your church with the children’s department, or in the choir, or on the drama team.  Be active in God’s work and He will get you the special someone that you want.   Tell Him what you’d like, but then leave it to Him.  Praise Him that He’s working, whenever you think about it.  

            And also, be working on your own maturity.  You need to make sure you are the best person you can be.   Or else that wonderful person may not want YOU.  Check out my brochures on growing up spiritually. These are good for your development ~ becoming a loving and peaceful person, kind, patient, and happy.

Humans are three parts

            We are three parts according to I Thess. 5:23, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  This verse says it’s God’s will that each part of you be sanctified or holy.  That means set apart and kept pure for Him.  Whole in our body would be healthy. Whole in our souls would be emotionally stable and unscarred. If you are already scarred, give God time to heal you.  And whole spiritually would be growing in maturity ~ like those brochures say.

            Another thing that can be seen from that verse is that we can be attracted to a person in any of these areas.  We can like a person because of their body or how they look.  Did you know that when you touch and those exciting feelings happen, that it is like two electrical wires touching, and that creates sparks. That’s what it is.  And these do not last.  II Tim 2:19-22 tells the value of keeping yourself pure and running from sexual situations.   I Tim 5:2 says to treat the girls as sisters with all purity. 

            The soul is our mind, will and emotions. Being hurt from breaking up repeatedly is wounding your emotions, and that verse says this is not good.  And we can be attracted by our souls. You know that a straight A student is most likely going to be comfortable with another straight A student.  They can talk on the same level. Or if a person is really into swimming, then he will probably like another with the same interests.   These are soul attractions and are not bad.  

            But the very best one of all is the spiritual attraction.  Are you both seeking God with all your hearts by daily spending private time with God in Bible reading and in prayer? As you are faithful to this, God will be creating His unselfish love in you. Are you both interested in the same church and its outreaches?   These will be making you into that beautiful person that God wants you to be.  And this is the one that will insure that your marriage will last ~ until death do you part.

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