Basic Facts

Health is always God’s will because it is part of the atonement.     

            Isaiah 53:4-5, Matt.8:16-17, and I Pet.2:24 “By His stripes, you were healed.

Gal.3:13, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law …”  And Deut. 28:15-62 lists the curses, and they involve all sicknesses, early death, poverty, and every calamity possible!  A horrible price was paid for you to be free from all this; the precious blood of Jesus! 

God is good and Satan is bad.

            John 10:10,  Satan’s purposes:  To steal, kill and destroy.  God’s purposes: To give you a wonderfully abundant life!

            III John 2, God wants above all else for us to prosper and be in health!

Sickness is Satan’s work

            Acts 10:38 “Jesus went around doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil.”

            Luke 13:16, Jesus has just healed a woman and said, “Should not this woman … be loosed whom Satan has bound these 18 years?

            John 10:10 under the preceding  headline could be repeated here, for it also proves that Satan is the destroyer of  health and life. More on this is in brochures, What you need to know about Satan, and God’s Sovereignty.

We have authority

            Luke 10:19, “Behold, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall harm you.”

Also, Jas.4:7, Mark 16:17, and I John 4:4.

We are supposed to win with our faith!

            I John 5:4, “… and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith.”

            Clearly we are to be winners in this life in II Cor. 2:14, Rom. 8:37, Rev. 12:11,  Rom. 5:17, and Eph. 6:16. 

Who caused it?

Much is under our own control. 

            We reap what we sow.  Gal.6:7-8, Luke 6:37-38, and I Pet.3:9. Also, God has given us choices,  Deut.30:19.  If we choose to seek Him and obey Him with all our hearts, then we are blessed (healed and prospered.)  If we don’t, then we will find ourselves under the curse (Deut.28:15) and that would be our own fault.

            We have what we say,  Mark 11: 23.  Words are the steering wheel, James 3:2-6, and Joel 3:10.  For more on this, get my brochure, What does it matter what I say?  If we know how to live by faith, that is, confessing and believing God’s Word instead of our feelings or circumstances, then God is able to make His will happen in our lives. There are several hindrances to faith in the brochure, Faith Facts, and these will actually keep God’s will from being done in your life.  These are all points that make the trouble your fault.

Satan’s fault

            In the first brochure about hardships, I told the story of my son’s problem with his gums, and that I asked God what to do.  He told me that this was of Satan and I could command it to go.  I did, and it did! You need to read the brochures, God wants to make your life beautiful And Helps in Hearing God’s voice. You cannot be sure you are hearing God if you don’t do those things!

It’s God‘s discipline.

            Heb. 12: 5-11 talks about that.  The word chasten means training, and that is by the Word!  II Pet.1:3-4 tells we are to become partakers of the divine nature by the promises. Eph.4:11-13 tells what God gave for the perfecting of the saints (us), and it names five kinds of preachers!   II Tim.3:16-17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (teaching) for reproof (scolding), for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, (perfect, KJV) and mature!” 

            But does God ever have to spank us?   Early in  our  marriage,  my  husband was seeking God about  the handling of  his money, and God was leading him.  I didn’t know it, and just thought he was spending too much money on stereo equipment. I objected, but he went shopping anyway. I was angry, but quickly noticed a spot in my vision in my right eye as if a smear of grease was there. I rubbed and rubbed my eye and made it all red.  I became panicky!

            When he came home, I tearfully told him all about it.  He told me to go ask God.  I went into our bedroom and knelt by our bed and asked Him about the spot. He put the thought into my head that I wasn’t letting Him lead T.A.!  I went back into the living room and fell into his arms and cried.  I told him what God had said.  T.A. gently said, “I thought so.”  T.A. had me pray and ask God’s forgiveness and then his. As soon as I did, the spot left.  I learned a good lesson.

            If God did that, what else might He do?  The Word of Faith people say God will not hurt His people, like was argued earlier. However, God compared Himself to a good father in Matt.7:11, and good fathers do spank if they have to.  Psa. 95: 8, God tested His people in the wilderness. Psa.106:16-18, the people envied Moses and the ground opened up and swallowed them! 28-29, they worshipped other gods and a plague destroyed many of them! Dan.9:13-14, God brings disaster when He’s not obeyed. Deut. 31:16-18, “I will forsake my people if they break my covenant and turn after other gods.” So it all depends on how teachable you are!  Are you seeking God with all your heart, spending time daily with Him in the Word and prayer? Are you determined to do what you learn there? That’s the way God wants to lead you.

Misunderstood verses

            James 1:2-17 tells us to rejoice in hard times.  Neh. 8:10 says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” So that’s why we are to rejoice--to gain strength! James 1:3 says it is to test our faith.  In I John 5:4, our faith is supposed to win.  So if you look at trials as opportunities to exercise your faith, then yes, you can benefit from them.  I Pet.1:6-7 also says to rejoice when your faith is being tested.   James 1:13-17 says that tests and trials come from our own selfish desires. Then it says to don’t be deceived!  Every good gift is from God.  Read these verses several times to understand, and pray for revelation.

            The issues of Job’s trials and Paul’s “thorn” are ones that should rightfully be handled under this subject of hardships.  But those are covered in my brochure titled, HealingWhat about Job?  I also give some study on the verses that say we are supposed to suffer.  A brochure that is helpful on that subject is one called, What’s My Cross?

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