Cheryl's Testimony

The first brochure called Growing in Faith should be read first.  There was much that you need to know, and this one will not repeat anything.

A nightmare

                That’s what I thought it was!  A neighbor who was a believer in name only had a son the same age as my youngest who was eight now.  This boy was hyperactive and loud; he was disobedient and disrespectful, and he was a bully!  He also made up tales to make himself look good.  Well, the mom had to start work, so she asked me if I’d watch her boy for an hour before school, and up to two hours after school each day.  

                My first reaction was absolutely not!  I needed to consider the effect of this on my little boy!  But God had other ideas.  He let me know that this was His will, and that He would help me.  He even took away the fear I had of this child. It was too big for me at this time.

                Let me tell you how it ended, and then I’ll tell you what I did to get there.  At the end of three months, that boy was a different child.  He was still louder than I liked, but he was nicer to be around.

                Here are some of the things I did.  Every morning before school, I read in a picture Bible to all three boys, my two and this one.  Then we each prayed for God to help us this day.  I taught him the social skills that we used in our house, and every disobedience received a “time out.”  He was in that corner a lot, but it worked.  Not as well as a spanking would have, but it worked.

Peace, in the name of Jesus

                One day, this boy was coming toward our house from the school bus stop, and was walking down the middle of the street (a quiet street with no through traffic) yelling at the top of his lungs, like he was just happy to be alive, I guess.  I was watching, and I moaned and said, “God, does he have a demon?”  The thought came into my head, “No. Just speak peace to him.”  Oh!  Like Jesus did to the storm.  So as soon as he got into the house, I put my hand on his head, and before I could say anything, he gave me a questioning look.  I smiled and said, “Peace, in the name of Jesus.”  It worked!  He calmed right down. After days of doing this every time he got wound up, I would come over and put my hand on his head and he would say, “I know, peace in the name of Jesus.”  And we’d both laugh.  But it still worked!  Hallelujah!!

A demon of Fear

                One day this boy’s dad came to the door and told me that his son had been very afraid of lots of things lately, and was even afraid his parents were going to die.  He wanted me to just be sensitive to him.  He also told me they were taking him to a psychiatrist.

                I asked God in my prayer time to lead me if I should do anything about this.  So the next day, I brought up the subject and asked him if something recently had frightened him badly. He said “yes.” That he had gotten up after he was supposed to be asleep, and found his parents in the living room watching a horrible movie, and he watched a little bit of it before they knew he was awake.  I knew immediately that he’d picked up a demon of fear from that movie.  I prayed, covering ourselves with the blood of Jesus, and then I spoke to the demon, “Fear, I command you in the name of Jesus, to leave this boy now, for it is written, ‘Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.’”  He was fine after that.  His dad told me he was okay.  I didn’t tell them what I did or what I’d found out.

                In school one day, the boy had learned about the danger of strangers, and even drive-by shooters, and this made him worried.  He asked me one day, “Are you afraid for your boys to be playing out here?”  I said, “No, because I pray for protection over them every morning.”  He said, “Am I protected?”  I said, “You betcha!” We hugged. He was sure happy to hear that.  (See how good faith is?  And faith in God‘s Word is sure.)

Another family

                There was another neighbor who had two children, a boy and a girl, both elementary age.  I happened to be visiting with their mom in their living room, and the children were supposed to be playing in their room, but they were quarreling and making noise so that the mom couldn’t enjoy her visit with me!  So I asked her if I could talk to them, and I went to their door and opened it, and I said, “In the name of Jesus, I speak peace to you both.”  I smiled at their dumbfounded expressions, and left. Their mom was incredulous, and I was pleased!  It worked.  God, You’re wonderful!

Primary Church

                One of my jobs at that time was song leader for primary church.  That’s grades 1-3.  One Sunday, the children were being particularly rowdy, and it was hard to quiet them down.  Usually, a few lively songs helped, but not today.  So in the middle of a song, I motioned to the piano player to stop.  They were all quiet, and I said slowly and softly, “The devil has gotten in here, and I’m going to get him out!  Devil, I command you in the name of Jesus, to leave this place now, for it is written, ‘Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.’”  The kids were as good as gold after that.  Well, don’t you know I was the talk of the next board meeting!  I was told that someone reported, “Cheryl has some very different discipline techniques, and they work!” But I knew it was real; not just a technique.

Other short Testimonies

                For ten years, I had a pink spot on the side on my leg.  It was about 1 cm in diameter and it didn’t itch or hurt, so I ignored it. But then it started to grow and became the size of a quarter.  It raised and became rough, and started to itch.  As soon as I noticed the changes, I began to talk to it.  I did it in the shower, for that’s when I’d notice it.  I told it that it had to go away in the name of Jesus, for it is written, and I’d quote a healing verse. Every evening I did this, and in about a month, the spot was completely gone!

                I did this with a wart and it took a year, and I did it with a skin tag and it took a few weeks.  My husband and I both stood in faith for the healing of a kidney stone he had.  It took four days and it was gone.  It hadn’t passed; but just disappeared as x-rays showed.

                The time of waiting is not waiting for God to decide to heal or answer our prayer.  Healing was already purchased for us on the cross!  It belongs to us under our covenant with God.  When we know that, there is never any question if it’s His will to heal.  The waiting strengthens our faith. 

                I’ve had bad headaches most of my adult life, and now I started using my faith on them, but the results were slow.  Then one day, with a particularly bad one, I commanded it to leave in the name of Jesus, and quoted a verse, and it left in a few minutes.  I was surprised, and asked God, “Why did it happen so fast?”  He answered, “Your anointing is increasing.”

                When I was near sixty, I found I could hurt myself easier if I wasn’t careful in my working.  So I began to confess every day, “No evil can befall me” (Psa.91:10). If I do strain a muscle or hurt myself, I can command it to stop hurting in the name of Jesus, and quote a verse, and it usually stops immediately.  If not, I keep quoting healing verses until it does stop! Because of my daily time with God, in the Word and prayer, my faith is still growing and I’m getting results faster and faster.

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