Cheryl's Testimony

I couldn’t breath

                My head felt like it would explode, I was so badly congested.   Our boys were small, like two and seven.  Hubby thought going for a drive would take my mind off how bad I felt.  So we loaded up the boys and started out.  We were still in town and I started recalling some of an audio tape that a friend had given us.  It had songs taken from Scripture and a man reading healing verses.  We liked the songs so much that we listened to it a lot, and without realizing it, we were learning the healing verses!  I didn’t know it then, but I know it now, that on that ride, God was leading me to say those verses.  I did, and within a few minutes, I was completely healed!  My sinuses were totally clear, and I felt great! We didn’t recognize then that God was showing us something very important.  We had no teaching at that time about what had just happened.

God is Fabulous

             That is the title of a paper-back book by Frances Hunter.  I think someone gave it to me. I read it, and was encouraged to use my faith on small things to develop it.  She told about speaking to a bull that was charging at her.  She’d crawled through a fence and was cutting across a field, not knowing that a bull was in there!  So while it was charging her, she said, “I’m God’s child, and you’re God’s bull, and there’s nothing but peace between us.”  Immediately, the bull stopped, snorted, and started munching grass! 

I have authority

                One day, I was hanging out clothes to dry in the sun, and a bumblebee that was enjoying the nearby flowers, came over to investigate me!  So I said just what Mrs. Hunter had said.  “Bee, you are God’s creature, and I am His child; so I declare that there’s nothing but peace between us.”   And it left! I was getting bold and wanted to try this out on other things.  I learned other words worked too.  One day I was sitting outside reading, and a fly was being pesky.  I’d shoo it away, and it would return repeatedly!  So I said, “In the name of Jesus, go!”  And it went.

This bee wouldn’t obey!

                I had just recently found Luke 10:19, and was excited to realize that I have authority over all the works of the devil.  Bumblebees and flies are pests so must be of the devil.  That’s why it worked!  I was excited!

                A girl friend had boys near the same ages as mine, plus two girls in their teens.   She invited me to join her for a picnic in the nearby mountains.  She brought her two sons and one of the girls, and I brought my boys.  As we were eating at a weatherworn picnic table, a bumblebee started nosing about our food.  The children started screaming, but I confidently told them to be quiet; I’d take care of it.  I said, “Bee, in the name of Jesus, I command you to go, for Luke 10:19 says I have authority over you.”  It didn’t go, so I tried other words that had worked before.  Still nothing happened.  I was devastated.   After I was home, I prayed, “God. Why didn’t it work?”  The thought entered my head, “There was unbelief there.”  Oh, oh.  I thought I’d heard that in a sermon somewhere.  I looked it up and found it at Mark 6:5-6. It says that He could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. That made sense.  I will have to be more careful.  By the way, when I next saw those friends, I asked if they believed I could do it.  The girl and the mom both admitted that they didn’t believe.  So I showed them the verse and explained that that was why it didn’t work!

Bad Dreams

                My youngest son was about three now, and was having bad dreams   He would come into our bedroom crying, and want to get in bed between us.   I decided to teach him that he had authority too.  So I sat on the edge of the bed and held him in my lap and said,  “Fear, I command you in the name of Jesus to leave; for it is written, ‘God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.’”  (That’s II Tim.1:7.)  I gave him a hug and a kiss, and sent him back to bed.  He told me in the morning that the fear didn’t come back. 

                Next time he had a bad dream, I did exactly the same thing, and spoke exactly the same words.  I did this every time for weeks.  Then one time while holding him on my lap, I said, “Honey, see if you can do it.”  He could do it because I had said the same thing so many times.  It worked, and we both were thrilled!  The next time he came in having had a bad dream, I said, “Go back to your bed and try it yourself.”  I said it with a tone of voice like it was an exciting experiment.  He was eager, and in the morning was ecstatic, so he wanted more!  I taught him two short healing verses, and I recall that one day when he was four, he came walking down the hall muttering something to himself, so I said, “What’s the matter, Honey?”  He replied, “Oh, the devil’s just trying to get a sickness on me.”  Now, I was ecstatic, for my little boy was learning to walk by faith.  Yes, it worked; he didn’t get sick. Incidentally, neither of our boys got the childhood diseases that most others get.  Our confessions of faith kept all of us well. 

Work fast

                We found out that it was easier to get a cold or flu healed if we started as soon as we detected the earliest symptoms.  If the ailment got a strong hold on us, then it was harder and took longer and some determination to get it to leave.  An illustration we heard that really helped us is this:  Treat a sickness as if the UPS driver delivered a gunny sack full of snakes to your house and insisted he leave them for they are addressed to you.  Refuse them!  Order them away!  And don‘t give up until they are gone!  Most people say, when a sickness begins, “I believe I’m catching a cold.”  They have accepted it.

                This determination can’t exist if you think God put the sickness on you to teach you something.  We heard many sermons and teachings that showed us Scriptures that sickness is of the devil and God is the healer.  John 10:10, Acts 10:38 and Luke 13:16 are three.  Also, our faith is supposed to win in life’s storms.  I John 5:4-5 says that faith is the victory that overcomes the world.  (If it’s in the world, then your faith can win over it.)  

From Faith to Faith

                One day at another friend’s house, the wife told me that her back was hurting, and had been for several days.  I asked her if she’d be willing to try something.  She said, “Sure.”  I said, “Repeat after me:  “I, the Lord, am your Healer.”  She did, and then I said, “And, ‘By His stripes, I’m healed.’”  She repeated that too.  And then I said, “Say them both.”  I did, and then she repeated them.  Then her face lit up, and she said,  “The pain’s gone!  I can move!”  And she showed me by bending all around.

                I tried to tell her that God did that quickly to show her that the Word works, and faith works. But it’s like developing muscles.  It will be harder next time, so you must memorize some of these verses to build your own faith.  She objected and demanded that I show her in the Scriptures where it was like building muscles.  I didn’t know a verse to use, so I was stuck.  But a year or so later, I found Heb.12:2, “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and finisher  (or developer) of our faith.”  The Amplified Bible makes that clear.

                These few stories show you how I got started, and should encourage you that you can do it too.  God is no respecter of persons  (Acts 10:34), but He does respect His word and faith.  Those work, but have to be developed.  Start small like I did, and listen to teachings on this subject and you will grow to be able to do what Jesus did  (John 14:12).

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