Joy Dawson

            Mrs. Joy Dawson is a woman of God with a world vision who has taught on every continent.   Her teaching is marked with depth and authority.  It is also very practical, coming from her knowledge of the many facets of God’s character and an understanding of the principles by which He operates.  Joy is frequently teamed with other international Bible teachers in speaking at Spiritual Leadership Conferences in many nations.

            Joy Dawson is also author of several books.  Two that I’ve read are Intimate Friendship with God Through Understanding the Fear of the Lord, and Intercession, Thrilling and Fulfilling.

            For many years, she taught on television and radio. Joy is a member of Youth with a Mission, along with her husband and two married children. They live in Los Angeles.

            This brochure has only a little bit of the material which is in her tape set, Divine Guidance.

You Must Qualify

            My brochure titled, God wants to make your life beautiful gives the first qualifications.  If you aren’t doing those, you shouldn’t be trying to hear God’s voice at all.  You will surely hear a demon who is pretending to be God.  I could tell you stories! So please get that brochure and work on getting those qualities into your life.  And realize this is going to take some time.  A person can’t change habits over-night. These must become a way of life.  God doesn’t promise to talk to casual inquirers, only diligent seekers.

            The very first qualification is to make sure you’re saved. Then  2, Prioritize your life. Your private times with God in prayer and in His Word are most important. 3. Be a tither and a giver.  4. Hear and obey the Word of God.  The more you do that, the more you will know God is working in your life.  And 5, Be patient.  Habits take time to grow. While you are waiting to learn this, you can ask God to change your desires to line up with His will.  Then give Him praise, and time to do it.

Three voices

            You need to realize that the thoughts in our minds can come from three sources:  God, a demon, or ourselves. You must silence the second and third before you should try to hear from God. Joy tells about a situation where her husband forgot to do this, and got some guidance that was from a demon. So even great and powerful people in the Kingdom of God can be tricked if they aren’t very careful.  In order to silence the enemy, you say, “Satan and demons, I silence you in the name of Jesus, for it is written, ‘I have been given authority over all the power of the enemy’” Luke 10:19 or some other authority verse.  There are about ten in the Bible. Two more are James 4:7 and I John 4:4.

            Then in order to silence your own thoughts, you have to say and mean it, “I (by an act of my will) choose to be dead to all I think and all I want   (human reasoning and human desire). If you have a strong desire, you will surely get guidance in line with that desire. (Ezek. 14:3-4) This is important! To hear from God, you must become neutral about it. Then after you have said that sentence and meant it, you praise God by faith that He has made it so.

            If a thought comes to you from out of the blue, always check it by doing these two steps.  You may think you don’t need to go through all this to hear from God.  I could tell you horror stories of people who thought they were hearing from God and got themselves into a lot of trouble. 

            You should consider how weighty the decision is that you need to make. The more weighty it is, the more careful you need to be.  There are times when you can follow the impression, and see if it works.

            Some Christians believe that God leads us mainly by an inner pull or inclination. I’ve found this to be true. However, there are some problems with this.  One is that human desire or reasoning can be mistaken for God’s leading. Just because you want something doesn’t mean it’s God’s will.  Another is that sometimes you need words ~ clearer guidance.  In these cases, do the above steps. And an added bonus is to have a partner who can also do this and get confirmation for you.

            With some decisions, the Holy Spirit may let you know immediately what is right.  Then there are those where you should know either from the Word or common sense what to do.  But there are decisions you make all the time where there is no right answer.  Either could be right.  In these cases, wait and inquire.

Other Qualifications

            God leads the humble or meek. Pride is something that God hates and it will prevent your hearing His voice, and it makes it easy for a demon to deceive you! When God reveals pride in you, confess! God will sometimes withhold guidance to test your humility. Will you presume to know the answer, or will you be like Jesus and follow the Father?

            You must know the Word.  Satan and his demons know the Word and are good at deception! If something doesn’t line up with the Word or God’s nature, reject it!

            Ask simple questions that can be answered yes or no.  It’s not that God can’t handle difficult questions, but this is so you can hear the answer clearly. The problem is in the hearing!

            Don’t dictate.  There are many ways God can speak to you.  Thoughts are only one of them. But leave the method and the timing up to Him. Say, “Answer me in Your timing and in Your way.”

            A Yielded will is evidenced by obedience to the Bible, to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and to guidance already received. Disobedience to already known truth will hinder the receiving of new truth. Why would God give us new light when we haven’t started walking in the light we have?

Be willing to wait, or try again later after more prayer and praise.  Also, you may need to make sure you have no un-confessed sin. A clean heart is an important qualification.  In Luke 20:1-8 is a case where Jesus didn’t answer, based on the condition of their hearts!

Have a thankful heart.  If you are worried or stressful most of the time and then try to hear from God, it won’t work.  We enter into His presence with praise, Psa. 100:4.

            On Joy’s tapes are difficulties that can make it hard to be sure you are hearing from God. One is an over-active mind. I found that if I got up in the middle of the night, my mind was sleepy and I could hear God!  Joy says that the quieter your mind is, the easier it is for you to hear from God.

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