Humans are three parts ~ spirit, soul and body. That’s what this brochure is about. Another one called, How’s your spirit? is just about the spirit part of you and why it’s important to take good care of it. Very many people, even preachers and pastors think soul and spirit are different words for the same thing. But I Thess. 5:23 says that we are three parts: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Also, Heb. 4:12 says that soul and spirit can be divided. And if they can be divided, they are not the same! With that settled, let’s talk about why we have three parts and what each part does.

Our bodies are so we can live here on the earth. Our five senses (touch, taste, smell, see and hear) are the ways we relate to and receive from everything in the earth. Our bodies could rightly be called our earth suits.

Our souls are the seat of our feelings or emotions, our thinking, reasoning, and memories. The Latin word for this part of us is psyche. It’s from this that we get the words psychology and psychiatrist. For you who know that the early New Testament was written in Greek, the word soul is psuche.

The Greek word for spirit is pneuma, meaning wind or air. It’s from this word that we get pneumonia and pneumatic. In John 3, Jesus was talking with Nicodemus about being born again or born from above. In verse 8, Jesus said, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from or where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

The human spirit and the Holy Spirit are the same word in the Greek. So you must determine by the context which one it means. The modern translations have assumed one was meant when it might actually mean the other one.

After a teaching about the three parts, a student of mine said, “And the human spirit is supposed to control the other two!” “Yes!“ I exclaimed in surprise, “You‘re absolutely right.” Think with me now: What happens when one of the others are in control? Let’s take soul-ruled first. Soul-ruled people are always talking about how they feel as if it is all that’s important. Counselors will ask you how you feel about things. Soul-led people let their feelings control them. If they wake up feeling grouchy, they let their world know it. Women may make their families miserable when they have PMS or menopause. They feel badly and everyone should know it and learn to live with it. If someone makes them angry, they will react in anger. If someone wrongs them, they get vengeful with no thought of controlling themselves. To be led by your feelings is dangerous! Satan can cause things to happen that will lead you away from God, and you will have much trouble. But keep reading. I have good news for you!

But before the good news, we need to see about the body-ruled people. These people eat whatever and whenever their body wants it. They will take naps anytime their body craves it. They have little or no control, but will cater to their bodies’ every whim ~ like spoiled children.

These last two types of people (if they are saved) are spiritual babies, led by their sinful human natures, or as the King James Bible calls them, carnal Christians. This means flesh-ruled. The King James word flesh refers to both the soul and body; what they want, what they feel, and what they think. My brochure, What’s my cross is a powerful teaching about what we are to do with this part of ourselves, and gain control. You CAN control your feelings. Jesus said in John 14:1, “Let not your heart be troubled.” If He said that, then you can do it. You have the power. You have the Holy Spirit inside you, so you have supernatural help. If you will begin having daily time with God in the Word and in prayer, you will find this easier to do.

In a panic situation, it’s of utmost importance to control your emotions. If you will say appropriate Bible verses like I explain in How to use your Sword and Shield, you will win and the situation will turn around for good. But you must be persistent.

If you have panic attacks, it is a little demon causing those feelings. Say, “Devil, GO, in the name of Jesus, for it is written, ‘Resist the devil and he will flee from you.’” James 4:7. Then continue praising God in those situations. That will keep him away.

Are you feeling lonely and want to get married? That is the wrong reason to marry! Needy people repel people. Work on becoming whole while you’re single, and then you will have something to contribute to the marriage. More about that in a bit.

How do we know the difference between being spirit-led or feelings led? Let the Bible lead you now, and then your spirit will grow stronger and able to lead. Commit to spending time with God every day! Read some in the Bible and pray a few minutes. Start small, and it will grow.

In closing, I want to explain about becoming whole. There are four areas in which we need to be whole: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. If you ignore any one of these, you will be lacking in that area. Mental: Make sure you read books that are helpful. Your friends must each be a good influence too. Emotional: You cannot be passionate about your God-calling if you are self-seeking. Physical: Take care of your body! Nutrition, sleep, and exercise are important. Spiritual: Your human spirit must be fed, or you will follow the sin inclinations of your ancestors. If you are not born again, you WILL follow those sin tendencies. But if you are born again and don’t feed your spirit with time with God, you also WILL follow those sin tendencies. That is why people feel like they were born this way and are stuck! You are not, and can be free! This goes for your children too! You must know who they’re with, what they’re learning in school, and what they watch on T.V. Do you want the generational sins that have been in your family to stop? You control what they are fed.

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