What did you think of when you read the word confessions? Most people will say confessing sins; to an authority; the law, teacher or parent.

But the Bible has much to say about another kind of confession.  That is good confessions or faith confessions. 

Let me give you an illustration of how this works: I was standing in line at our local fabric store and the lady in front of me said, “Every-time I am in a line like this, their computer breaks.” And within a few seconds, the cashier called on her microphone for help. Her computer had stopped. The lady turned to her friend and said, “See? I told you so.”

Another story. This time it’s me. I was preparing to brush my teeth, and I said, “I have perfect teeth and gums.” I had been saying this everyday for about two weeks. Then the thought came to me, “If you’re serious about this, you need to be flossing.” I knew that was God, so I started flossing regularly. That was many years ago, and I have not had a cavity since then. There has been a few times when a tooth hurt like a cavity was there. But I spoke to it and said, “No you don’t, Devil. I refuse cavities. I have perfect teeth and gums. By His stripes I am healed. (I Pet. 2:24)

Another time, I spoke to the resurrection power that lives in me, (Eph. 1:19-20) and asked Him to get to work on that tooth and make it whole again. Then I praised God that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. And I praise until the pain stops.

Saying what you want only once will not produce anything. Consistency is the key. That’s why I have 3X5 cards with things written on them that I want and expect to have. I read those aloud every day. If I find myself reading them mindlessly, I change the order, or change the words to make them alive each time I read them. A mindless confession is a power-less confession.

On my website home page, click on The Help I Offer and then My testimonies. At the bottom you will find List of testimonies. Click on that and you’ll find many more stories showing that faith confessions work.

Our youngest son at two was a very active little boy, and he didn’t like hugs. Too restrictive. But we started calling him our little hugger, and he began to like them.

If you have an older child or a spouse with an undesirable quality, you may want to keep your confessions between you and God, and then watch God work.

At this writing, I am 73 years old. Every morning when I get up I have been leaking before I can get to the bathroom. So I wear a sanitary napkin at night to protect my pajamas. I have been doing that for several years.  

But recently, the Holy Spirit gave me the thought to say, “I don’t need these pads anymore.” I added to that, “Leaking is a thing of the past.  I have strong bladder control.” Now when I wake up I say those things, and I don’t leak. On the subject of health, I say, “Everything works perfectly in this body.” And every morning when I finish reading the healing verses (in the brochure, “You can be healed”), I say, “Thank You Lord that Your words are alive and powerful and they work! They’ve gone into my bloodstream taking life and health to every organ, every tissue, and every cell of this body.”

If you want to say, “I am a millionaire,” be warned. Your heart motive must be to please God with it. And it’s going to take some time to get you ready to be a millionaire! For example, there are tests you must pass with the money that you have right now. If you pass those, your income will increase. Your heart must want to know God and want to please Him.

You don’t have to seek the blessings. Seek God and the blessings will seek you! Matt. 6:33, and Psa. 37:4.

For years I tithed every month on forty dollars that I was given as spending money. That’s one test. If you can’t tithe on a small amount, you won’t tithe on a large amount. Another test is obeying God on where to give and how much to give. Yes, you need to hear from God.

On that same thought, I say, “We will do well, no matter what happens to the economy.” God’s economy is doing well. God can provide for you no matter what happens to the economy, but you must confess it regularly.

Here are some verses: 

Prov. 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”

Mark 11:23-24 says that I can have whatever I believe and say.

And James 3:2-4 says that my tongue is the steering wheel of my life.

If you will begin by writing out what you want for yourself or your family and start saying them regularly, things will start becoming better for you!

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