With Helpful Bible Verses Included

Halley’s Bible Handbook is a treasure house of information about the Bible. Get a copy at any Bible book store.

O.T., N.T., Old Testament and New Testament.  These are the two parts of the Bible.  The O.T. covers the time period between the creation to about 400 B.C..  The N.T. covers the period from the birth of Jesus to about  96 A.D..

K.J.V.,  King James Version of the Bible.    For 300 years, it has been the most commonly used Bible in English.  Originally the N.T. was Greek and the  O.T. was mostly Hebrew.

            (I don’t expect you to read these Bible verses.  They are only here in case you want proof.)

Anoint, Commonly it is to rub healing oil on a wound. O.T. priests, prophets, and kings were anointed with oil, symbolic of the Holy Spirit who came upon them for the job. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit in Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18, and so are we, I John 2:27, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4.

Baptism, The Greek word means immerse or dunk.  This is the visible part of the new birth.  Gal. 3:27, Acts 8:35-39.

Blessed, Given power to prosper and do well. Deut. 28:1-15,  30:19,  Prov. 10: 22. The way the Bible uses it, it is far more than words to make happy.

Born Again, John 3:3, 7. A new beginning, entrance into the family of God. Also, born of God. I John 5:1, 4, 18.

Christ is Greek; Messiah is Hebrew, and means “The Anointed One“ Acts 10:38. Also includes His anointing, Phil. 4:13.

Christian, (Acts 11:26) a person who has decided to obey the words of Jesus, John 8:51. Born again, saved, Rom. 10:9-10.

Church is the Greek word for called-out ones. It’s all God’s people; not a building. Also, the Body of Christ, Eph. 4:11-12,  5:23-27.  The Family of God, Eph 3:15. The Kingdom of God,  Matt. 6:33, Mark 10:13-16.

Death, in the N.T. means being without God, not saved.  John 5:24, 8:51. The Bible  doesn’t make sense to them, I Cor. 2:14.

Faith, means to believe that God can do what He says He will do; to trust Him. It’s a spiritual force, Mark 5:34. A law (like gravity, it works)  Rom. 3:27.

Fear of God,  You respect and obey Him. Not afraid.  Prov. 3:7, 8:13. It’s a process.  There are promises galore!  Psa. 145:19.

Flesh, In the KJV N.T. it’s the word for human nature. It’s a combination of body and soul ~ what we think, feel and want. Rom. 8:4. (See my brochure, What’s My Cross?)

Glory, The Bible uses this word in many ways including wealth, pride, praise, miraculous power, and the invisible Presence of God.

Gospel, means good news; the Word of God, the Bible. (Power, Rom. 1:16).

Grace, God’s power readily available for us. I Cor 15:10 (KJV), Heb. 4:16.

Heart, The way the Bible uses it, it is the human spirit. Rom 10:9-10, Mark 7:6. Also called the inner man, Rom. 7:22, 

Holy, God is holy ~ absolutely good. We are to be growing in holiness, I Pet. 1:15-16, II Cor. 7:1.

Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost:  This is God‘s Spirit, Acts 5:1-4. Lives inside  God‘s people, I Cor. 6:19. Helper, John 16:7, 13.  Speaks, Acts 8:20. Has feelings, Eph. 4:30.  Gives us power, Acts 1:8.

Jehovah, one of God’s names. Yahweh, Elohim, El Shaddai, and Adonai are others. Each has a meaning to show His nature. His titles include: God, Lord, Master, Savior, and Father.

Justified, God made us right with Him, just as if we’d never sinned.  Titus 3:7.

Kingdom of God, All God’s people. Also, God’s way of doing things. Matt. 6:33, Gal. 5:19-21. Includes: Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Christ, John 18:36.

Life, the new life begins when we are born again into the Family of God, John 5:24.  Saved, born again, and part of God’s Kingdom.  John 20:30-31.

Love, There are several different words in the N.T. for love. The main one is Agape` (uh GAH pay) God’s love. It’s totally selfless, has a strong yearning to give, John 3:16. It’s a process for us, Eph. 5:1-2. This is God’s greatest attribute, I John 4:8.

Perfect, In the KJV, this word means mature, or job completed. We are told to be perfect, and this is a process.  Matt. 5:48 Col. 1:28.

Praise, thank, love, worship, adore, all are facets of praise to our wonderful Heavenly Father God.  This is not for Him but for us! Praise gets Him to show up with power. Examples:  II Chron. 20 :15-30, Jonah 2:9-10, Acts 16:25-26.

Redeem, Buy back.  Jesus’ death bought us from Satan’s kingdom into God’s Kingdom. Col. 1:13-14,  Psa. 107:2.

Righteous, means being right with God. We’ve been made right,  II Cor. 5:21. We can’t earn it or become more righteous.

Sanctify, means to set apart, make holy. The Bible does it, John 17:17. The more we read it, the more we are separated from trusting the world’s system to trusting in God and His ways of doing things.

Saved, Being a part of God’s Kingdom.  Lost ~ NOT being a part of it.  Rom. 10:9-10, Matt. 18:11.

(Saved and salvation in the N.T. and peace in the O.T. are rich words.  They include healing, prosperity, protection, long life and eternal life. Rom. 1:16, Psa. 119:165.)

Sin, knowing what’s right and not doing it, is sin.  James 4:7. 

Sleep, (KJV) Jesus and others used this word to mean dead. John 11:11-14, Acts 7:60.

Son of Man, Jesus used this to refer to Himself more than anything else. It means human, Ezek. 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, etc.

Soul, (psyche) it’s the mind: Thinking, will, emotions, and memory.  It goes with your spirit to heaven or hell when you die. An illustration of this fact is in Luke 16:19-31.

Spirit, (pneuma, wind). That’s the real you, Acts 7:59. Every human is a spirit, Heb. 12:9, Luke 8:55, 23:46. Lives in a body (an earth-suit) II Cor. 5:8. A human is three parts; spirit, soul and body, I Thess. 5:23. God is spirit, John 4:24. Devils are spirits, Acts 19:14-17, Matt. 12:27-28.

Trinity, This word is not in the Bible, but we use it to mean the three Persons in the God-head (Col. 2:9); God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  See my brochure on the Trinity.

Witness/Witnessing.  It’s not what you tell people. Your life should be attractive so they will want to be saved like you. I Pet. 3:15, Matt. 5:16.  Be a witness, Acts 1:8.

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