My Experiences

            For the first thirty-five years of my life, I was very sad.  My childhood wasn’t happy, and by the time I reached adulthood, I was plagued with fears, depression and thoughts of suicide.  Also, headaches were almost constant; those were from worry and anxiety. Being saved and being around the right people helped a little.   Being filled with the Holy Spirit helped some more, and also learning to hear God‘s voice.  Then what made the most difference in my life was learning how to live by faith.  But before I talk about that, I need to tell you that there are various reasons why sadness can attach itself to a person.

Reasons for Sadness

            I don’t pretend to know them all, but these are the ones I have experienced. What I eat, and what I think about are the primary reasons. You can easily find guides to good eating, and you know that more water and vegetables are very important changes that everyone should utilize to feel better. (A proper amount of sleep and exercise, too.) Sweets and sugar have a way of making us feel good briefly, but can make us feel low and listless for the entire day and even into the next day! I have found that it just isn’t worth it to eat sweets.  It’s easy to shun them even when my family is enjoying them if I think how I will not feel well afterwards.

It’s their fault!

            For many years of my life, I really believed that other people were to blame for my unhappiness.  They were the ones who mistreated me or didn’t love me enough.  Then, there were the years when I tried to change people and make them be better people. I thought I had their best interests in mind, but actually I wanted them to change so I would be happier.  So I had blame and resentment, along with trying to change people, and it made me miserable. 

            I highly recommend the book by Kenneth E. Hagin called, Love, the way to Victory.  First, I needed to forgive those who had done me wrong, and learn to love them with God’s love which He put inside me when I was saved (Rom. 5:5).  Hagin proves that unforgiveness will make your faith not work and even make you sick.  You are giving the devil access. Then concerning those people whom I was trying to change, I needed to learn to cast them (as cares) upon the Lord just like I explain next.

Worry and Fears

            Worry had a big hold on my life, and I have learned that many Christians have this also.  According to II Cor 10:4-5, you can control your thoughts. I have written a brochure to help you do this.  It’s called, How to Use Your Sword and Shield. Briefly, you need to bombard every negative thought with positive words and words of praise coming out of your mouth. If you recognize fear in your heart, then say out-loud, “I will fear no evil for You Lord are with me.“ (Psa. 23:4) You can turn this into praise like this:  “I praise You Lord that because You are with me, I don’t need to be afraid of anything!”  You keep doing this every time you think of the problem and pretty soon Satan will get tired of it and quit reminding you!  Then you will have won, and gained peace.  This practice is called in Scripture ~


Using sword and shield,  Eph.6:17-18

Taking thoughts captive, II Cor.10:4-5

Casting your cares on God, I Pet.5:7

Fixing thoughts on good things,

 Phil.4:8 and Col.3:1-2

Fighting the fight of faith, I Tim.6:12

Walking by faith; not sight, II Cor.5:7

Living by Faith

            The last verse in the above list said “Walking by faith” which means living by faith! The information in the previous section is some on how to live by faith.  The Bible says six times that we are to live by faith! It’s the only way to get God’s promises to work for you. Promises of health (emotional too), length of life, wealth, protection, and even anointing are already provided for you, and are waiting for your faith to put it to work in your life.  If you want more explanations, get my brochure, If it’s God’s will, then why doesn’t it always happen? If you want more verses to study faith on your own, get the one called Faith Facts.  Faith is exciting because you know you are getting what you are believing for!

            What Difference Does it Make What I Say?  shows that the tongue is the steering wheel of our lives. You can turn your life around by starting to say what God says about you! Get yourself a 3x5 card and write down some good things about yourself, and say them at least once every day.  A 3x5 card is small enough that you will be able to do it.  I wrote, “I’m quick, I’m bright, I’m sharp. I’m bold and confident and filled with God’s love.  I’m anointed, healthy and very rich!”  A friend of mine has this one:  “I’m happy, healthy, hopeful, determined, successful, loved, and blessed beyond measure!”   Please make sure this doesn’t become a mindless exercise.  Keep doing it and it will become a reality for you. This will change your expectations, and what you expect is what you’ll get.

But I’ve been hurt!

           Are you suffering from old hurts, wounds from the past, things people have done that left inner scars?  These have made you an emotional cripple and you don’t like yourself? Right? Okay, if you want more help than what I have here, then please go to and order her book, Beauty for Ashes.  This is excellent!  But like I’ve said elsewhere, you must DO what you learn there or you will not change.

            When I was hurting so badly, if someone mentioned the word forgive, I cringed.  I could not do it!  But I heard someone say that God will make you willing if you ask Him to.  So I did, and it worked. If you will look up these two verses you will see the immense importance of forgiving those who’ve hurt you:   Matt. 6:12, 18:21-35.   Holding onto unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting it to hurt the other person!  Then I needed to start praying good things for them.  It took years before I was able to say the words, “I love my Mom.”  Walking in love is our only command in the New Testament:  John 13:34-35. 

            God is in the business of changing people. It’s His will to make you a beautiful person!  To allow this to happen, though, you must spend some time every day reading in the Bible and in private prayer. And talk to Him often throughout your days.  You are building a relationship with your heavenly Father. He will begin changing you immediately. I became easier to live with day by day as I did this!  I didn’t get upset as easily as I did before, and I became more confident.  If you talk too much, He will help you be quiet.  If you don’t talk much, He will give you the confidence to talk more!

How to lift a mood!

            Take a soft-lead colored pencil and mark every Psalm that is uplifting and encouraging.  I’ll help you.  Look in Psa. 1, 19, 22-34, 46-48, 63, 100, 103, 112, 119, 145-150. (There are more.) After you have them marked, you can read these and it will lift any bad mood!  One more step is to become more interested in others than you are in yourself.  Become an encourager. Tell people if they are a blessing.

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