How God showed me

            Scared, weak, withdrawn and insecure.  That was me. I was in a small group of people that was experienced in dealing with demons.  They were there to pray for me.  We’d had several sessions, and this one was about over.  One of them prayed, “Okay, God; what do we do now?” As they were silent, God gave me a vision.

            I saw myself standing tall and confident; regal. At my feet was an ugly little monster about the size of a house cat. He was prowling and growling around my feet as if he wanted to hurt me.

            Then my eyes shifted to over my left shoulder and a bit behind me -- the regal one. Jesus stood there radiant and dazzling.  He spoke: “Tell him to go, in My name!”

            I saw myself raise my right arm out straight and point. I said, “Go! In the name of Jesus!”  And the little monster ran off, whimpering like a whipped puppy.

            That was exactly the revelation I needed.  Before that, I imagined Satan and his demons as being much too big for me.  But the point is not that Jesus is great big, and the devils are small.  It is that you have authority!

Declared Righteous

            No matter what sins are still in your life, the moment you received Jesus as Savior and Lord, God declared you righteous. (Rom. 3:22 and II Cor. 5:21). And as such, you have authority in this natural, physical world. Rom.5:17 says, “… Those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.” If you know you are made righteous, then that qualifies you to reign in your life! That includes your own mind and body, circumstances, the weather, and demons -- but not other people. That’s the areas of our authority.

A Covenant Child

            As a member of His family, you are now a covenant child, a joint-heir with Jesus (Rom.8:16-17), declared right with God, with blood-bought rights (Rom.8:32).  That means you are put right with Him.  And entering His family makes everything He promised yours! (II Pet.1:3-4)

Learn to walk in it

            Just like receiving the promises of health, wealth, length of life and protection, authority must be learned from the Word of God. This brochure can only introduce you to the subject, but I will give you one very effective tool.  Concerning your mind and body, please get my brochure called, How to Use Your Sword and Shield.  Your effectiveness in this greatly hinges on your development in walking in love and holiness. And that depends on your time spent with God in the Word, in prayer, and in praise. This gives the Holy Spirit access and time to work in you.  That’s abiding. (John 15:4-8). The more you grow in abiding, the more authority you will have, See, you have it, but if you don’t know about it, it can’t do you any good. Then if you know it, but don’t really believe it, likewise, it can’t benefit you.  That’s why it’s a process.

            Another reason it’s a process is that we have to learn to die to self.  That’s our cross. See my brochure, What’s My Cross? That’s what I meant earlier about learning to walk in love and holiness. The more we are dead to self, the more Jesus can manifest His likeness in us.  See Gal. 2:20.

The Word of  God

            In Matt. 4:1-11 is the account of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. Satan tempted Jesus with three offers, but Jesus refused each one, and used the most powerful thing at His disposal.  Think of it! He could have called legions of angels.  He could have called fire down from heaven.  But He used the Word of the living God! He quoted an appropriate verse at Satan with each one.  The Word is:

  • The sword of the Spirit, Eph.6:17

  • Alive, and sharp, Heb. 4:12

  • Effective, Isa. 55:10-11

  • A most powerful weapon!

Other weapons

            The Word says in Phil. 2:9-10 that every knee has to bow at the name of Jesus.  And Mark 16:17-18 says we are to cast out devils with the name of Jesus.

            Rev. 12:11 says, “They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and the word of their testimony.” That testimony could easily be the verse that we quote for making a devil leave.  That is what we are standing on and what we believe.  Isn’t that a testimony?

            My brochure called, How to Use Your Sword and Shield will help you with some of the armor that’s listed in Eph. 6:11 -17.

A Necessary Warning

            It needs to be said here that none of these weapons will work unless you spend time studying and reading or listening to teachings on these to develop your faith in them! I have heard stories about people using these weapons and failing anyway, and it was because they had not developed any faith in them!

What to do

            A worthwhile practice that should be done every morning of your life is to submit yourself to God and resist the devil. (James 4:7)  You can say it like this:

            “Father, I submit myself to You and Your will for me. I praise You for the blood of Jesus and Your angels to protect me.  For You said, ‘No evil shall befall me.’” (Psa. 91:10)

            Then you open your eyes because you don’t bow to the devil! Say: “Satan and demons, in the name of Jesus, I resist you and you must leave, for it is written, ‘Resist the devil and he will flee from you.’” (James 4:7)

            Some other verses that can be used are: I John 4:4, Matt. 18:18, Luke 10:19, Rev. 12:11, Mark 16:17-18, Phil. 2:10, Col. 2:15, Heb. 2:14, and II Cor. 10:5.  Do this even if you don’t have time for anything else some mornings.

Practice Small

              Speak to your problems:  “Heart; be healed, work right, be strong!  Mind; be quick, bright and sharp!  Bills; you are paid! Babies and small children respond well to your faith.  You can command healing or peace, or whatever is needed. For testimonies of how I started at this, see the brochures called, Growing in Faith, I, II.

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